Please read to share in the thoughts, ideas and strategies for leading our nation Nigeria. I believe the contribution of every Nigerian counts, one way or another. I have ZERO interest in contesting for any political post in Nigeria. Now or in the future. The book is not a form of political campaign or vote seeking. It is simply a collection of social, community and leadership insights that may help any president, governor, politician, religious leader, professional or any Nigerian, in the building of the country of our dreams. It is my token contribution to the Nigerian political and economic development....
This is why the eBook is released for FREE access and distribution
....Although corruption is not an African or Nigerian language, it would appear corruption has become an African trademark. But this is not true. Corruption is practiced in many other parts of the world. The main difference, the uniqueness of the African corruption model is the focus on direct monies in cash. Some more sophisticated parts of the world practice corruption but by deeper strategies such as trade-offs, deal making, or collaborations that do not involve direct cash, but benefit-exchange occur, regardless. Interests are satisfied across transactions.
.....The lawmaker who switches to the ruling party yet retains his seat and expects to be trusted. He thinks nothing of the betrayal of allegiance and feels entitled to more terms of office. The party that accepts renegades have no depth of philosophy to recognize that renegades would always be renegades. And that renegades have no business in public office. And the Nigerian who votes for a renegade is no better.....
I know this from history: unity is best achieved when a group feels a deep threat to their survival, their ego, their dignity, their livelihood. This threat can come from the environment, from enemies, or from external forces. The threat can come from a combination of many factors. The bottom line is, anytime the threat is perceived to be strong enough, barriers such as language, ethnicity, and religion are shredded to join forces. And the force of unity is often strong enough to overcome any challenge.
My dream is simple. Living my dream or seeing my dream come to fruition may not be as simple. But the dream would not die. It cannot die. I will continue to dream.
The vision that my dream reveals is too beautiful to let go.
And so, my dream continues..
This is for those who may not be have the patience or time to go through each page or narrative sequence. The specific action steps are extracted from the book for ease of reference. The relevant segments may be read to get the perspectives that dovetailed into the proposed action or changes as described.
This eBook Edition is FREE. Download, read and share as you please!